Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Random thoughts - Volatile....


I guess.. sometimes when you embrace a lot of new things at a time, and try to pace yourself to the new pace you set for yourself; you reach a certain point when you are neither the present nor your past. This is the moment of truth. It is quite important you stick on and saddle up even more. Because, if you turn back now, you will need to start all over again. I am sure you will go through your troughs of doubts and trails leading back to the place you started this journey from. But, it is the will that carries you forward. You should march your feet in one direction - forward. The head will follow as you move on.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful picture, DM. The picture as well as the content somehow reminds me of 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari'. :) Nice!
